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The 5 M’s of Association Management
and Non-Profit Administration©


The 5 M’s are an administrative, management, and operations guiding principle to be used by membership-based, mission-driven, non-profit organizations as a focusing framework for success.


The 5 M’s keep the volunteer and staff leadership of the organization focused on the “right things” as they plan their yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily operations. There are lots of “good ideas” and well-meaning requests presented to organizations every day. Trying to do them all can cause an organization to get off track and lose its way. The 5 M’s help keeps everything in focus and helps the organization maintain a healthy march forward.

Mission. Money. Membership. Management. Marketing. The exact order of the M’s can be interchangeable, as they are all important to the success and sustainability of membership-based, mission-driven organizations, but it is the focus that they provide as a combined principle that gives them their strength and success potential for the organization.



The 5 M’s of Association Management and Non-Profit Administration©

Basic Training (Part 1) for anyone involved with a Non-Profit Organization or Membership Based Association. Money, Membership, Manpower, Marketing, and Mission are the building blocks of any non-profit organization or association.  Everything your organization does should be based on properly and effectively using these 5 words and the best practices that go with them. Master the 5 M’s and your organization will be successful.


Board Development and Governance

Basic Training (Part 2) for any member of a Board of Directors or Staff. Learn what it takes to be an outstanding Board Member/Staff Advisor on a High Functioning Board. Explore the Do’s and Don’ts of Board Operations and learn how to implement them for your board.


Budget Development/ Management /Growth

If we are a non-profit, that means we aren’t supposed to make any money, right?  WRONG!  Learn how to build a healthy budget and keep it that way and then grow it for the future. Topics explored include non-profit accounting basics, financial reporting that every board member can read, benchmarks for good budgeting, templates for profitable program and event production, how to plan for the future, and properly file your financial reports today.


Membership Growth/ Management/ Retention 

If you are not growing, you are dying! It’s as simple as that…well, sort of.  Learn how to evaluate the health of your organization and your programing through membership trends. Explore techniques for gaining new members while engaging your current members in a fun way.  However, it is always easier to keep a member than recruit a new one so dive into the importance of good member relations and how to best keep them engaged and renewing year after year. Topics covered include: value propositions, why join statements, market penetration, quality “onboarding” procedures, new member 1st year or aka “I just joined, now what?," membership standards, and legal issues related to membership that could sink your organization if you are not careful.   

Everybody is an Asset

How to properly use your nominating committee to grow your board strength and your organization's capacity for success. Learn how your organization can get the right people in the right positions, doing the right jobs for the right reasons. Topics include proper nominating committee procedures, how to encourage diversity in thoughts and demographics, why a good orientation for board members and new staff is so important, and the life cycle of a volunteer and staff… do they burn out, flame out, or heroically ride off into the sunset as the credits roll. Also, Staff, Board of Directors, or Committees...just who is responsible for each thing anyway?


Executive Director and Board Chairperson Coaching and Training

Whatever the titles are: Executive Director, President, Board Chairperson, Executive Officer or just Leader.  The top people, staff and volunteer need to fully understand their role in the organization and why the importance of that role functioning smoothly has a great influence on the rest of the organization's operations. Learn how the roles for the top staff person (Chief Staff Executive) and the top volunteer leader (Chief Elected Officer) work in tandem for the good of the organization but how they also have very different responsibilities. Other topics covered will include preparation for board meetings, agenda building, board management best practices, and how to conduct a smooth flowing board meeting that gets stuff done.




Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

Use the 5M’s as a framework for success and chart the course of your organization.  The workshop includes a full day planning session for the board of directors and two additional sessions with the Chief Staff Executive (one before the board planning session to gather all data needed for the board and one after to recap and prepare the implementation of the new strategic plan).


What is our Mission Anyway?

Who are you? Why does your organization exist? Are you living up to our mission statement?  What is your mission statement anyway? A healthy organization has a mission statement that every board member can say from memory and give multiple examples of how they are living that mission with their involvement and how the organization is delivering that mission fully to its constituents. Can your board do that right now? When was the last time you fully evaluated your Mission Statement?




By-Laws / Policy Manual Review

A best practices based review of your By-Laws and Policy Manual.  Do they really say what you think they say?  Do they say what they need to say to make your operations as smooth and best practice filled as they can be?  

One on One Chief Staff Executive Coaching

It can be lonely at the top and sometimes you need to bounce stuff off of someone who has been there before.  This service is designed to help the first time Executive Directors who do not have a non-profit background get all the experience that they need from someone who has been in their shoes.  Highly customizable program involves skills development, competency checkups, introduction to industry best practices, and directed mentorship.

Interim Executive Director Services

Sometimes you just need someone to fill the gap between the last Director and next long term Director.  We can help with that.  

Executive Search Services

Looking for a new Executive Director or Chief Staff Executive?  We can help with that too.  Let us reach out to our extensive list of contacts and industry professionals and help you find that next right fit.

Helping Non-Profit Organizations & Associations get the edge they need to be successful for their members!
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